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GymLeads email and SMS sending guidelines
GymLeads email and SMS sending guidelines

Being a good citizen

Aron avatar
Written by Aron
Updated over 7 years ago

Nobody likes spam. GymLeads is designed to help you effectively manage and close leads. A big part of that for us is making interactions as personal as possible, and spam directly goes against that.

Sending unsolicited email or SMS violates the 2003 Spam act. We help you stay on the right side of that law by managing a simple opt out, however when you created your account you agreed to abide by the following terms of use:

  • You are only sending the communication to people who you have permission to send to (and want to hear from you)

  • You are sending personal, relevant information that helps your potential customer as well as you.

  • You are not pretending to be someone else.

  • You are not sending anything that could be considered illegal, offensive or hateful

GymLeads takes privacy very seriously, and any account found to be in breach of these guidelines may have their access or email/sms abilities disabled.

A good rule of thumb is: Don't send anything you wouldn't want to receive.  👍 

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