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Funnel Examples

Helping you create the most common Funnels we see

Taylor Bradfield avatar
Written by Taylor Bradfield
Updated over a week ago

To get the most out of GymLeads, we strongly recommend creating as many Funnels as you can to help automate a lot of your communication via email and SMS. In our day to day training with clubs, the Funnels below are the most common ones we see successful clubs using.

We've created the base work of these Funnels and included the share codes below so you can bring these Funnels into your account and make small adjustments to make them your own.

Please watch the below video to know exactly how to import these share code and also what you may need to change to make this Funnel suitable for your club:

Enquiry Funnel - Share Code 4-a185-ad77

This Funnel will send an email to your new leads thanking them for their enquiry, 3 minutes after they have submitted their enquiry.

Appointment Confirmation Funnel - Share Code 4-342c-0b03

This Funnel will send an email 5 minutes after a lead has booked their first appointment with you. The email will confirm the date and time that they have booked the appointment for.

Appointment Reminder Funnel - Share Code 4-63c0-6d31

This Funnel will send a friendly email reminder to your leads 2 hours before their first presentation. It will include your club address and phone number in case they get lost or need to reschedule.

Trial Funnel - Share Code 4-2884-3984

This Funnel is specifically built for a 7 Day Trial but you can customise it to suit your own clubs trial period as well. It is designed to send your leads a check-in email on day 1, 3, 5 and 7 of their trial. 

Closed Funnel - Share Code 4-f20d-0716

This Funnel will send a general 'welcome to the family' email to a lead 30 minutes after you have just closed them.

Inactive Nurturing Funnel - Share Code 4-63e5-f635

This funnel is designed for you to send promo emails to your inactive leads in the hopes of getting them back into the club. It will send an email 2 weeks after you make them inactive and then monthly for 5 months from there.

Infinite Member Check-In Funnel - Share Code 4-a52e-4783

This funnel will send an email and/or SMS every month of the year to your members. It repeats after 11 months. This funnel does require the members birthday be in their lead profile.

We know that Funnels can seem complicated because there are so many combinations of audience filters and triggers, but don't worry! That is what our customer success team is here to help you with, you just need to come up with the following:

1. Come up with some ideas for your funnels, and for each funnel decide the following:

- Who the funnel will go to (active leads who haven't had an appointment yet, men over 40, women under 30, people on a trial, etc)

- What the intention of the funnel is (get the lead to book a call, get the lead to book a trial, convert the lead from a trial to membership. etc.)

- When you want them to start getting these messages (when they first enquire, when they start a trial, when they sign up, etc)

- How long you want the funnel to be/how many messages sent (a message every day for two weeks, one message and that's it, throughout the length of their trial, etc.)

- When do you want them to stop getting the messages (when they sign up, when they book a trial, when they become lost, etc.)

2. Go to marketing > templates and start building your HTML templates for these funnels - this is the part that takes the longest.

Then, when you have done that, reach out to one of our customer success representatives and they can help you with the audience filters and triggers that best suit your needs!


If my first step of the funnel is '[x] amount of time after a successful presentation occurs' and a lead had entered the funnel after having their appointment marked as a 'successful presentation', but then I change the outcome of the presentation, will the lead stop going through the funnel?

Yes, but it won't pull them out of the funnel.

The job to send the message should check if they are still eligible before sending

As long as the appointment outcome is changed before the first message has sent, the lead will not receive the message.

Then the lead would just sit at that first step ‘forever’, so if you want them to be able to go through the funnel in the future, you would have to manually remove them from that step first.

I have set my trigger for '[x] amount of time after a lead is closed' and set my audience filter as 'status of > closed', but no leads are going through my funnel?

This is a common mistake users make. For a lead to go through a funnel, a lead must first be in the audience pool, and THEN have the trigger happen to them. So in this instance the funnel is waiting for a lead that is already closed to be closed AGAIN, which is not going to happen. The best audience to use in this situation is simply 'Location is > your location' if the funnel is only one step long, but if it is longer or you are unsure, reach out to one of our customer success representatives and they can help you with the audience filters that will work best.

This scenario also applies to '[x] amount of time after a lead is lost' and audience filter as 'status of > lost', '[x] amount of time after a lead is inactive' and audience filter as 'status of > inactive', '[x] amount of time after a lead starts a trial [name of trial]' and audience filter as 'trial of > [name of trial]', etc.

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