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Using tags to filter through your reports and marketing

Taylor Bradfield avatar
Written by Taylor Bradfield
Updated over a week ago

Tags within GymLeads are a great way to segment out unique groups within your club and be able to keep track of these tags through reporting and also marketing. You can add multiple tags and either create them at first in your Settings or simply create them on the go when you're on a leads profile.

Creating a Tag
You can bulk create a tag by going into your Settings > Tags and adding in a new tag as below: 

Adding a Tag to a profile
When adding a tag to a profile, you just need to scroll down to the bottom of their profile page and you can either create the tag on the spot, or select from the drop down box of tags listed. Please see video below:

Filtering by a Tag
There are multiple ways to filter by a tag and this will make it easier for you to maintain oversight on these particular groups you have in your club.
Manage Leads - you can filter by tags on your Manage Leads tab by scrolling to the bottom and selecting the tag here:

Reports - All of the filters along the top of our reports also have the feature to filter by tags. You can turn this feature on by selecting the tag in the below box:

Automating Tags
We can even take it one step further and have the Tags automatically come through on the leads profile, when they enquire through a specific landing page. To do this, all you need to do is add in the tag option when creating your email to lead map:

This will help you to automatically start filtering in specific leads and even set up your automations based on people with this specific tag. 

Funnels based on Tags
To help with your automation, you can even direct the audience of your Funnels to a particular tag as well. This will help automate your communication for leads coming through with particular tags on their account. To do this, you just need to simply use the filter of 'Has a Tag' in the Audience section:

If you need any further help navigating tags, please don't hesitate to reach out to our Support team by click on the blue circle in the bottom right hand corner of your screen.

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