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Lead Allocation Report

Report to gauge sales team assignment and closure rate

Taylor Bradfield avatar
Written by Taylor Bradfield
Updated over a week ago

The Lead Allocation Report is a great to way to track who in your sales team is assigning leads and being assigned leads.

The benefits of using the Lead Allocation report is to see how many leads have come in and how well your sales team are at assigning them to themselves and then closing those leads as a result. NOTE: This report will not be very beneficial on tracking sales teams if you have an auto assign rule turned on as all leads will be automatically assigned to one team member. 

As with all GymLeads Reports, the Lead Allocation report will allow you to customise the data you are seeing by using the filters on the left hand side.
There are several ways to filter the Lead Allocation Report, including; 

  • Date : Select the date range you wish to report on. Click on the calendar to choose a pre selected date range or you may use a custom set of dates by clicking in the FROM and TO. 

  • Locations: If you are a user across multiple locations, you can filter the report based on all locations or a selection of locations. By default, all locations are selected. 

  • Salespeople: If there are multiple salespeople, you can filter the report based on all users or specific users. By default, all salespeople are selected.

  • Lead Sources: Lead source is extremely handy if you are interested in seeing what integrations you have set up with GymLeads are performing well or under performing

  • Heard About Methods: The heard about method is useful in understanding what marketing you have set up and getting traction and creating you leads, as well as how warm they are in the sales process. 

NOTE: With this report you need to click 'update data' at the bottom of the filters to then have the filters apply.

Once you've selected your filters, you're able to view the relevant data on how your sales team are performing along the top module

The first box, Leads In is the number of leads that came into GymLeads during your chosen date range
The second box, Leads Allocated is the number of leads that were assigned to a sales person during your chosen date range.
The third box, Lead Allocation ratio is the the percentage of leads in compare to Leads Allocated
The fourth box, Close Ratio is the percentage of the amount of leads marked as closed during that date range divided by Leads In

The Allocation Summary Graph shows a visual representation of each step. It will give you a quick reference to closure rates compares to Allocated Leads, or even allocated leads to Leads that have come in. If the allocated column is much lower then the Leads In column than you know very quickly there is not enough urgency in your team to be assigning and contacting Leads.

The Lead Allocation Breakdown highlights the Leads In, Leads Allocated and Leads closed by sales people.  Useful for comparing sales members and their numbers.

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