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The Activity Report

Learn more about the Activity Report and how to use it

Taylor Bradfield avatar
Written by Taylor Bradfield
Updated over a week ago

The Activity Report is a great way to determine how efficient your team are at completing scheduled tasks when they are due. You can use this report to ensure that scheduled calls, appointments and tasks are being completed at the time they were scheduled and even check the outcomes of each call, appointment, and task. 

As with all GymLeads Reports, the Activity Report is able to be filtered in several ways in order to deep dive into the data. 

  • Date Range: Select the date range you wish to report on, you can also view custom date ranges using the custom button in the drop-down menu. By default, the date range of today is selected. 

  • Locations: If you are a user across multiple locations, you can filter the report based on all locations or a selection of locations. By default, all locations are selected.

  • Salespeople: If there are multiple salespeople, you can filter the report based on all users or specific users. By default, all salespeople are selected.

  • Lead Sources: Lead source is extremely handy if you are interested in seeing what integrations you have set up with GymLeads are performing well or under performing

  • Compare By: You can compare the data displayed in the report in several ways including by User and Location. By default, the compare by clubs view is selected. 

  • Heard About Methods: The heard about method is useful in understanding what marketing you have set up and getting traction and creating you leads, as well as how warm they are in the sales process

  • Regions: If you are using regions to segment your locations, you can filter the report based on all regions or a selection of regions. By default, all regions are selected.

  • Countries: If you are a company with lots of locations across many countries, it may be useful to report on one particular country and see how that country is performing.

  • Tags: Tags allow you to run this report and only see how a certain group of leads are tracking and if they are successfully working their way through the sales pipeline

Once you've selected the filters, you're able to view the data to see how your team are actioning scheduled calls/appointments/tasks. 

The Graph on the bottom shows the completion totals for the selected action; it will show the number of calls/appointments/tasks that were completed and the calls/appointments/tasks that were missed. 

The Graph on the top will highlight the specific outcomes of the successful calls/appointments/tasks. 

Using the Activity Report

One of the benefits of using the Activity Report, is that you can see the specific outcomes of the successful calls and appointments. This is particularly helpful when you want to deep dive into a user's performance, just because the calls are getting done, doesn't mean they are getting through. Being able to view outcomes allows you to ascertain how effective your team are at completing their calls and appointments.

Export Function: You can export a copy of the report with the current filters as a CSV or Excel file. Press the export button in the top right hand corner of the page and a copy of the report will be emailed to you.

Set-Up Schedule: You can choose a day/s and time/s you would like this report to be send to your email as an Excel file.

Exporting a Report

You will receive an email that looks like this:

The 'Download Report' link will time out after 24 hours.

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