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Getting Started

A comprehensive guide to setting up your GymLeads account for Owners

Taylor Bradfield avatar
Written by Taylor Bradfield
Updated over a week ago

Welcome to GymLeads!! We are so excited to help you and your facility smash your goals and continue to grow! 

Here is a checklist to help you get started and make the most of GymLeads.

If you are looking for some extra training or help with GymLeads for or your staff members you can book our webinars here

Step 1: Create your GymLeads Company Account 

  • You would have received an email from GymLeads with a link to get your account started. Follow these steps to set up your account and first location. 

Step 2: Update your Profile 

  • It’s important your leads know who you are and how to get in touch with you.

  • Ensure your timezone, signature email and signature phone number are set. 

  • Update your profile via this path;  Settings Tab > Profile

Step 3: Update your Communication Preferences 

  • To ensure that you are receiving relevant updates from GymLeads, update your communication preferences to reflect how you will be using GymLeads. 

  • You can do this via this path; Settings Tab > Communication Preferences

Step 4: Confirm your Company Account Details

  • Check your Company Account details are correct to make sure that your business is being represented properly to your leads. 

  • You can do this via the Settings tab > Company Account

Step 5: Confirm your Location Details 

  • Check your Location details are correct when you first get started - a quick double check of the details will make sure that your business is being represented properly to your leads. 

  • You can do this via the Settings tab > Locations > Click on your location. 

Step 6: Invite your Team Members 

  • Invite your team to GymLeads so they can share the workload with you. We have different user roles to ensure you give your team appropriate access.

  • Follow these steps to invite and manage your team 

Step 7: Set up Third Party Integrations 

  • One of the greatest things about GymLeads, is that is integrates with several member management platforms and Facebook. 

  • Click on your Member Management platform to learn how to integrate it with Gymleads; MINDBODY, GymMaster, OneFitStop and PerfectGym.

  • Follow these steps to integrate with Facebook. 

Step 8: Set up some email to lead maps 

  • Email to lead maps allow you to capture leads directly from your website and populate them automatically into GymLeads. 

  • Follow these steps to add your first email to lead map

Step 9: Set up Sales Funnel Steps

  • Every fitness business has a different approach to sales, at GymLeads we help you track this sales process by customising a four step sales funnel. 

  • You can update the funnel steps by going to the Settings tab > Sales Funnel.  

Step 10: Set up Trials 

  • Trials are a great way to keep track of your leads that are in a trial at your location. If your location offers trials to your leads, make sure you set up your trial options. 

  • Follow these steps to set up trials for your location. 

Step 11: Set up Deals 

  • GymLeads allows you to track what deals are being offered to your leads when you close them. 

  • Follow these steps to set up deals for your location. 

Step 12: Add some SMS credit 

  • You will need to load some SMS credit onto your account, so you can send SMS messages. We recommend setting up your SMS credit to auto-top up so that when your balance is low, it will automatically top up for you. 

Step 13: Create Marketing Templates

Step 14: Import your Existing Leads

  • One of the things we really don’t like doing at GymLeads is wasting time! Import a spreadsheet of all your existing leads in CSV format. 

  • A few things to remember when doing your CSV import - make sure that you include a status, a sales person and any relevant tags.

Step 15: Set some Targets

  • Chances are you have some goals to hit! You can set default sales targets for your team on either a weekly or monthly basis. 

Step 16: Create a Call Schedule

  • Call schedules are a great way to ensure your leads are being called promptly and removes the need to manually schedule calls. Create different call schedules for different lead sources and use the templates that you created earlier to set automated emails/SMS to be sent if your call is unsuccessful. 

Step 17: Set up your first funnel 

Congratulations! You're all set up 😊 

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