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Creating a new group

Segment your leads and clients into dynamic groups for targeted messaging.

Taylor Bradfield avatar
Written by Taylor Bradfield
Updated over a week ago

You can use groups to divide your leads and clients into segments that can be targeted using funnels and bulk messages. You can add people to groups either automatically, based upon criteria such as their gender, lead status, last contacted date, and many more, or manually, by selecting them individually.

Automatic groups are kept up to date for you, saving you time and giving you confidence that you’re always targeting the right people.

Say, for example, that you want to invite all your female leads a trial of a new female-only class that you’re running. Instead of having to manually select all your female leads from a list, you simply set up a new group with the criteria Gender is female and Status of active and your female leads are included automatically.

Let’s see how to set it up!

Automatically adding and removing group members

The below steps will walk you through creating an automatic group of female leads, as per the above example. Female leads is just an example and you can set your own criteria to create a group that best suits your needs.

  1. Head to the Groups page by clicking the Groups option at the top of the page in the Marketing App.

  2. Start a new group by clicking Create a new group.

  3. Name the group, then click Create group. (e.g. “Female Leads”)

  4. Edit the group criteria by clicking the Automation rules option below the group name.

  5. Set the entry and exit rules by following the below steps.

Entry rules

Entry rules determine how and when people get added to the group.

The first thing to decide is if you want each group member to match all criteria you set, or any one of the criteria you set. Taking our female leads example criteria (Gender is female and Status of active), this is how any and all work:

  • Any: Add people to the group if they match any of the criteria specified. All females or anyone with a status of active will be added to the group. This means inactive females as well as active males will be included.

  • All: Add people to the group if they match every criteria specified. Only females who also have a status of active will be added to the group.

Generally speaking, you’ll want to use any when you want the group membership to be broad and all when you want it to be more narrow.

  1. Set the filter type by selecting any or all from the list labelled Leads that match.

  2. Add the first filter by clicking Add filter, then selecting a category. (e.g. Gender)

  3. Set the criteria by selecting one of the options in the list labelled Select one. (e.g. is Female)

  4. Add further filters by repeating steps 2 to 3. (e.g. Status of filter set to active).
    As you add filters, you will see a preview of the matching people to the right.

  5. Set an entry trigger for when people are added to the group by selecting an option from the list labelled Add to the group when. (e.g. The lead enquires (is created))
    Leads and clients who match the filter criteria will be added to the group when this action or status change occurs on their record in the Sales App.

  6. If you’d like to keep the group updated constantly, without requiring the trigger action to occur, enable automatic entry monitoring by enabling Add matching leads to the group without an event happening.
    GymLeads will regularly check for people who match the filter criteria and add them to the group automatically.

Exit rule

Exit rules determine how and when people get removed from the group.

In our female leads example, we want to remove people from the group once they sign up as they’re then considered a client rather than a lead.

  1. Set an exit trigger for when people are removed from the group by selecting an option from the list labelled Leads exit the group when. (e.g. The lead enquires (is created))
    Leads and clients will be removed from the group when this action or status change occurs on their record in the Sales App.

  2. If you’d like to keep the group updated constantly, without needing the trigger action to occur, enable automatic exit monitoring by enabling Remove leads from the group when they no longer match these filters automatically. (e.g. The status changes to is set to closed)
    GymLeads will regularly check for people who no longer match the filter criteria and remove them from the group automatically.

  3. Save the change by clicking Update member rules, then clicking I’m sure.

  4. Review the current members by clicking the Current members option below the group name.

The list of group members will match the criteria you set, and are now available to be used in funnels and bulk messages.

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