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Setting up your GymLeads account: A best practice guide
Setting up your GymLeads account: A best practice guide

Set up your GymLeads company account for success.

Taylor Bradfield avatar
Written by Taylor Bradfield
Updated over 6 years ago

Welcome to GymLeads! We’re pumped to have you on board. 💪

This best practice guide will help you ensure your GymLeads company account is set up for success.  It will take less time than 100 burpees, and will be nowhere near as painful.  Let's get to it!

You filled out some basic information about yourself, your company and your first location when you signed up. We’ll quickly review this to make sure it presents you in the best light to your leads when you use GymLeads to reach out to them.

Setting up your company account

Your company account represents your business (i.e. the legal entity) in GymLeads. It encompasses your locations, whether you operate just one or have many spread out across your city or the entire country. Think of your company account as the online representation of your real life company HQ.

You need 4 pieces of information to set up your company account properly:

1. Your company title

  • This is the unique, legal name of your business (e.g. Pacific Coast Gymnasiums LLC) and may differ from your trading name or brand.

  • It shouldn’t include any reference to your location - we’ll set locations up later.

  • It is shown to leads when your formal business name is needed (e.g. on a page where a lead can update their marketing preferences).

  • We also address your invoices using this name.

2. Your brand name

  • This is the familiar trading name or brand that your leads know you by (e.g. Pacific Blue Fitness).

  • It shouldn’t include your location.

  • It is used as part of the sender name for messages sent to your leads, as well as the replacement value for the @Gym: Name  merge field in text messages and emails.

  • It is shown as the company name on your enquiry form.

3. Your logo

  • This is the eye-catching logo that identifies your brand at a glance.

  • It helps personalise and brand your GymLeads company account, and ensures you look professional to your leads.

  • It is displayed on all lead facing forms and webpages.

4. Your company website

  • This is the main website home page for your business (e.g.

  • Forms and webpages use this to link leads back to your website.

Follow the below steps if you need to update any of your company account information to align with the above.

  1. Head to the Company Account settings page by clicking the Settings option at the top of the page, then clicking the Company Account option in the left hand menu.

  2. Confirm that the company title, brand name, and website all match the details described above.

  3. Add your logo by clicking the logo placeholder, then selecting your company logo file from where it’s saved on your computer.

  4. Save the updates by clicking Update Company.

Nice work! Your company account is all set up and you look super professional to your new leads.

Setting up your first location

Locations represent your properties (i.e. clubs, studios, etc) in GymLeads. They host your leads, as well as your team members who work at each location. Smaller businesses may have just one location, while others may have hundreds.

You need a couple of pieces of information to set up each location properly:

1. The location name

  • This is the name that your leads recognise an individual club or studio by. It’s most likely a combination of your brand and the location (e.g. Pacific Blue Bondi).

  • If you only operate one location, it may simply be your brand name.

  • It is used as the replacement value for the @Club: Name  merge field in text messages and emails.

2. An internal admin name (optional)

  • If you operate many locations and use internal codes to refer to each (e.g. AU-NSW-Bondi), this is where you’d use that code.

  • If you don’t use internal codes you can leave this blank.

  • It is only used within the GymLeads dashboard and is not visible to your leads.

3. The address and phone number

  • These are the physical address and contact details for the individual club or studio.

  • They are displayed at the bottom of messages sent to the location’s leads.

  • These are used as the replacement values for the @Club: Address  and @Club: Phone Number merge fields in text messages and emails.

Follow the below steps if you need to update any of your location details.

  1. Head to the Locations settings page by clicking the Settings option at the top of the page, then clicking the Locations option in the left hand menu.

  2. View the club or studio details by clicking the location name.

  3. Confirm that the location name and contact details match the details described above. Add an internal admin name if you use these.

  4. Save the updates by clicking Update Location.

Nice job! Your first location is looking swell.

You can add your other clubs or studios later by clicking New Location towards the top right of the Locations settings page. GymLeads charges a single monthly fee per location, regardless of how many team members or leads you have. Check out our pricing page for all the details.

Bringing it all together

Ninety-eight... ninety-nine... one hundred burpees complete. 🤸‍♀️ Told you it'd take less time than 100 burpees.  You've now set up your company account and your first location and they're all looking spiffy. 

Let's see how this will look to your leads.  This is an example of what an email draft could look like while you're preparing it, with some merge fields included.

Once sent, this is what one of your leads, Michael Smith, would see when he receives your email.  Highlighting shows how the information from different sections will appear: 

  • Blue: The company account details

  • Pink: The location details

  • Green: Your personal profile details

Next Steps

If you have any questions you can get in touch any time using the blue chat icon 💬 at the bottom right of any GymLeads page. We’re a friendly bunch and we’d love to hear from you.

In the meantime, here are a few suggestions of what to do next to get the most out of GymLeads.

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